
Mt. Pulag Travel Guide 2024 | Chasing The Sea of Clouds

Mt. Pulag Travel Guide

The Highest Peak in Luzon, Philippines 

Mt. Pulag, soaring to an impressive 2,922 meters above sea level, stands as the highest peak in Luzon and the third highest in the Philippines. This majestic mountain, nestled in the heart of the Cordillera range, offers an unparalleled adventure for both seasoned hikers and nature enthusiasts alike. But why exactly is Mt. Pulag such a coveted destination? Let’s dive in. 

Renowned for Its “Sea of Clouds” and Stunning Sunrise Views 

Have you ever imagined walking above the clouds? At Mt. Pulag, this dream becomes a reality. One of the most enchanting features of this mountain is its famous “sea of clouds.” As you reach the summit, especially at dawn, you’ll witness a breathtaking panorama where clouds blanket the landscape below, creating an illusion of an endless ocean. This surreal sight, combined with a mesmerizing sunrise, makes the early morning trek entirely worthwhile. Picture yourself standing there, the first rays of sunlight breaking through the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink—it’s a memory you’ll cherish forever. 

Located within Mt. Pulag National Park in Benguet Province 

Mt. Pulag Travel Guide is more than just a peak; it’s a sanctuary of biodiversity. Located within the Mt. Pulag National Park in Benguet province, this area is a protected haven for numerous endemic species. The park is home to unique flora and fauna, such as the dwarf bamboo and the Philippine deer, adding an element of ecological wonder to your hike. As you traverse the trails, you’ll move through different ecosystems, from pine forests to mossy forests, each teeming with life and offering a unique glimpse into the rich biodiversity of the region. 

Why Should You Visit Mt. Pulag? 

  • Natural Beauty: From the rolling grasslands to the lush forests, every step on Mt. Pulag is a feast for the eyes. 
  • Adventure: Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or a first-timer, Mt. Pulag offers trails that cater to various skill levels, ensuring a fulfilling adventure for all. 
  • Cultural Experience: Engage with the local communities, learn about their traditions, and understand their deep connection with the land. 
  • Conservation: Your visit contributes to the conservation efforts that protect this unique environment, helping preserve its beauty for future generations. 

Table of Contents

Preparing for the Trip to Mt. Pulag

Permits and Registration for Mt. Pulag

Planning a trip to Mt. Pulag Travel Guide starts with securing the necessary permits. This step ensures the preservation of the natural environment and your safety during the climb. Here’s what you need to know: 

  • Obtain a Permit: You must get a permit from the Mt. Pulag National Park Office. This is mandatory for all hikers to regulate the number of visitors and maintain the park’s pristine condition. 
  • Contact Information: 

Phone Numbers: 

Smart: 0961 249 9071 
Globe: 0916 542 4030 

Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM (excluding holidays). 

Booking Tips: 

  • Early Reservation: It’s best to book your permit well in advance, especially during peak seasons. 
  • Group Reservations: If you’re hiking in a group, ensure all members are registered to avoid complications on the day of your climb. 
  • Fees and Payments: Prepare for the registration fees, which are typically non-refundable and non-transferable. 

Physical Preparation for Mt. Pulag Travel Guide

Preparing for a Mt. Pulag climb demands thorough physical readiness to truly relish the adventure. Training is paramount, ensuring you’re equipped to tackle the challenges the ascent presents. Engage in a regimen that prioritizes cardiovascular fitness, enhancing stamina through activities like running, cycling, or swimming. Strengthening your legs is vital for navigating the uphill terrain; exercises like squats, lunges, and step-ups are ideal for this. Additionally, integrate long hikes or brisk walking sessions into your routine to bolster endurance. By adhering to this comprehensive training approach, you’ll optimize your readiness for the exhilarating journey ahead, ensuring a fulfilling experience atop Mt. Pulag. 

What to Pack in Mt. Pulag

Packing the right gear is essential for a safe and comfortable hike. Here’s a detailed packing list: 

Essential Gear: 

  • Sturdy Hiking Shoes: Ensure they are broken in to prevent blisters. 
  • Rain Gear: A waterproof jacket and pants to stay dry in case of rain. 
  • Warm Clothing: Temperatures can drop significantly, especially at night. Pack gloves, a bonnet, and a jacket. 
  • First Aid Kit: Include bandages, antiseptics, and any personal medications. 
  • Whistle and Flashlight/Headlamp: Essential for safety, especially during early morning or late evening hikes. 
  • Water and Trail Food: Hydration and nutrition are key. Pack enough water and high-energy snacks. 

Camping Equipment: 

  • Sleeping Bag: Opt for one that’s rated for low temperatures. 
  • Tent: Lightweight and weatherproof tents are ideal. 
  • Cooking Gear: If you plan to camp, bring a portable stove, fuel, and cooking utensils. 
  • Additional Tips: 
  • Aluminum Foil Mat: Helps insulate against the cold ground. 
  • Extra Water: Always carry more water than you think you’ll need. 
  • Beanie: Keeps you warm, especially during chilly nights at higher altitudes. 
Mt. Pulag Sea of Clouds

Image Courtsey : Albert Joldanero Asonio 

Mt. Pulag Sea of Clouds

Image Courtsey : Albert Joldanero Asonio 

How to get to Mt. Pulag Travel Guide

Planning your journey to Mt. Pulag involves a bit of travel, but it’s all part of the adventure. Here’s how you can get there: 

Detailed Directions from Manila to Baguio City 

By Bus: 

  • Bus Lines: Several bus companies, such as Victory Liner, offer frequent trips from Manila to Baguio. 
  • Departure Points: Buses typically depart from terminals in Cubao, Pasay, or Sampaloc. 
  • Travel Time: The journey takes around 6-7 hours, depending on traffic. 
  • Tickets: You can purchase tickets online or at the terminal. It’s a good idea to book in advance, especially during peak seasons. 

By Car: 

  • Route: Drive north via the North Luzon Expressway (NLEX) and the Tarlac-Pangasinan-La Union Expressway (TPLEX). 
  • Travel Time: Approximately 4-5 hours, depending on traffic conditions. 
  • Tips: Ensure your vehicle is in good condition for the long drive, and consider leaving early in the morning to avoid heavy traffic. 

From Baguio City to the Ranger Station in Bokod, Benguet to Mt Pulag Jump-off 

By Jeepney or Van: 

  • Jeepney Terminal: Head to the Slaughterhouse Compound, where jeepneys bound for Kabayan/Bokod are available. 
  • Van Services: Vans heading to Kabayan/Bokod can also be found in the same area. 
  • Travel Time: The trip takes about 2-3 hours. 
  • Drop-off Point: Ask the driver to drop you off at the Mt. Pulag National Park Office or the Ambangeg Ranger Station. 

Private Transport: 

  • Rent a Van or Car: If you prefer a more comfortable and flexible option, renting a vehicle for the trip from Baguio to Bokod is ideal. 
  • Driving Directions: Follow the Bokod-Kabayan Road; it’s well-signed and straightforward, leading you directly to the ranger station. 

Accommodations in Mt. Pulag

Choosing the right accommodation can enhance your Mt. Pulag experience. Whether you prefer camping under the stars or staying in a cozy homestay, here are your options: 

Camping Options in Mt. Pulag

Camping on Mt. Pulag offers several options, each with its unique benefits. Camp 2, located along the Ambangeg Trail, is the most popular campsite due to its proximity to the summit. It features basic amenities such as designated tent areas and communal latrines. To secure a good spot at Camp 2, it’s advisable to arrive early, especially during peak season when it tends to get crowded.

Other designated campsites include Camp 1 and Camp 3. Camp 1, situated lower than Camp 2, provides a quieter environment and is less crowded, making it an excellent choice for those seeking tranquility. Camp 3, on the other hand, is located higher up and closer to the summit, but it offers fewer facilities compared to the other campsites.

Homestays and Lodges in Mt. Pulag

Kabayan offers a variety of homestays and small lodges, making it a convenient base for acclimatizing before your hike up Mt. Pulag. It’s known for its friendly atmosphere and comfortable accommodations. 

Bokod, located closer to the ranger station, also provides several lodging options. This town is ideal if you want to be near the starting point of your hike, reducing travel time on the day of your ascent. 

Facilities and Booking 

Most homestays and lodges in Kabayan and Bokod provide basic amenities, including comfortable beds, hot meals, and sometimes Wi-Fi. Given the popularity of Mt. Pulag, especially during peak hiking season, it’s advisable to book your accommodation in advance. You can either contact the hosts directly or use online booking platforms to secure your stay. 

Popular Options 

  • Mount Pulag Homestay: Known for its friendly hosts and cozy rooms, this homestay is a favorite among hikers. 
  • Ranger Station Lodges: These lodges offer the closest accommodation to the starting point of the hike, making them ideal for early morning departures. 
Mt. Pulag sea of clouds

Image Courtsey : Albert Joldanero Asonio 

Mt. Pulag Sea of Clouds

Image Courtsey : Albert Joldanero Asonio 

Climbing Mt. Pulag Trail

What are the Trails of Mt. Pulag

Ambangeg Trail 

  • The Ambangeg Trail is the easiest and most popular route to the summit of Mt. Pulag, making it perfect for beginners and those who prefer a less strenuous hike. This trail features gradual inclines and well-established paths, leading hikers through scenic mossy forests and grasslands. The highlight of this trail is reaching Camp 2, where you can set up camp before making the final ascent to the summit to witness the sunrise.

Akiki Trail 

  • In contrast, the Akiki Trail, known as the “killer trail,” is more challenging and suitable for experienced hikers. This trail involves steep ascents and rugged terrain, passing through diverse landscapes such as pine forests, rivers, and grasslands. The Akiki Trail is renowned for its panoramic views and the sense of accomplishment it provides, offering a tougher but highly rewarding climb.

Tawangan and Ambaguio Trails 

  • For those seeking a quieter, more solitary experience, the Tawangan and Ambaguio Trails offer unique perspectives of Mt. Pulag. The Tawangan Trail is moderate to challenging and passes through remote villages, pine forests, and terraced fields, providing both cultural insights and natural beauty. The Ambaguio Trail is more challenging, known for its dense forests and river crossings, making it ideal for adventurous hikers looking for a less-trodden path.

Itineraries for Mt. Pulag

Planning your climb involves choosing the right itinerary to match your schedule and experience level. Here are two popular options: 

One-Day Itinerary 

  • Midnight Preparation: Arrive at the ranger station by midnight to prepare for the climb. 
  • 2 AM Start: Begin your ascent at 2 AM to ensure you reach the summit by sunrise. 
  • Reach Camp 2: Take a short break at Camp 2 before continuing to the summit. 
  • Summit for Sunrise: Arrive at the peak in time to witness the breathtaking sunrise over the “sea of clouds.” 
  • Descend and Return: After enjoying the views, start your descent and aim to return to Baguio by noon. 

Two-Day Itinerary 

Day 1: 

  • Travel to Ranger Station: Arrive at the ranger station by midday. 
  • Afternoon Climb: Begin your climb in the afternoon and reach Camp 2. 
  • Camp Overnight: Set up camp and enjoy the serene environment. Prepare for an early start the next day. 

Day 2: 

  • Early Morning Ascent: Wake up early to hike to the summit in time for sunrise. 
  • Summit for Sunrise: Enjoy the stunning views and take plenty of photos. 
  • Descend Back to Ranger Station: After soaking in the scenery, head back down to the ranger station by midday. 

Trail Details

Hiking Mt. Pulag is a journey through diverse landscapes, each offering its unique charm. As you begin your climb, you’ll enter the enchanting Mossy Forest, characterized by dense vegetation, towering trees covered in moss, and a cool, damp atmosphere. The forest feels almost magical with its lush greenery and misty ambiance, making it a photographer’s dream with numerous opportunities to capture nature’s beauty.

Continuing your ascent, you’ll transition into the Grasslands, a more open section with rolling hills covered in tall grass. The Grasslands offer panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys, giving you a sense of nearing the sky with unobstructed vistas and a profound sense of vastness.

The final stretch to the summit involves a steeper climb, with the terrain becoming rockier and the vegetation sparser as you get higher. Reaching the summit at dawn allows you to witness the breathtaking “sea of clouds” and a stunning sunrise, the highlight of the hike that makes all the effort worthwhile.

Safety Tips for Climbing Mt. Pulag

Safety is paramount when climbing Mt. Pulag. To ensure a safe and enjoyable hike, always follow the instructions of your guide, who is mandatory for all hikers. Guides are knowledgeable about the terrain and weather conditions, and their advice is crucial for your safety. Stick to the designated paths to avoid getting lost and to protect the delicate ecosystem. Packing appropriately is essential; bring items such as a first aid kit, a whistle, and a flashlight or headlamp, as these are crucial in case of emergencies.

Weather Conditions in Mt. Pulag

Mt. Pulag’s weather can be unpredictable, especially at higher altitudes, where it can be quite cold, particularly at night and early in the morning, with rain being a common occurrence. To prepare, dress in layers to adjust to the changing temperatures and bring a waterproof jacket and pants to stay dry. Ensure your camping gear, such as tents and sleeping bags, is suitable for cold and wet conditions. Always monitor weather reports before your trip and stay informed about any sudden changes, with guides providing updates on expected conditions.

Mt. Pulag Summit

Image Courtsey : Albert Joldanero Asonio 

Mt. Pulag Summit

Image Courtsey : Albert Joldanero Asonio 

Best Times to Witness the Sea of Clouds of Mt. Pulag

One of the most enchanting aspects of reaching the summit of Mt. Pulag is witnessing the famed “sea of clouds,” a natural phenomenon that captivates hikers with its ethereal, almost otherworldly view. The best time to see the sea of clouds is just before sunrise; arriving at the summit by 5 AM provides a front-row seat to this breathtaking spectacle. This phenomenon is best viewed during the dry season, from November to April, when clear skies reduce the chance of rain obscuring the view.

For capturing the perfect photo, start shooting just before dawn to take advantage of the soft early morning light, which enhances the clouds’ texture and the surrounding landscape. Use a tripod for stability, especially in low-light conditions, and a camera with good low-light performance, though a smartphone can also work well with the right settings. Frame your shots with elements of the surrounding landscape for context, such as the silhouette of a fellow hiker or part of the mountain, to add depth. If using a DSLR or mirrorless camera, a wider aperture (low f-stop number) allows more light, and keeping your ISO low reduces noise, adjusting exposure based on light conditions.

Beyond the sea of clouds, Mt. Pulag’s summit offers several other captivating attractions. The sunrise views are particularly stunning, with the sky transitioning from deep blue to vibrant hues of orange and pink. To catch the first light, aim to reach the summit around 5:30 AM and find a clear spot at the highest point for the most expansive views.

Exploring the surrounding landscape reveals panoramic views of the Cordillera mountain range, with endless peaks stretching into the horizon, providing a profound sense of place. The summit area is also home to diverse ecosystems, including unique plant species like dwarf bamboo and the rare Luzon bleeding-heart pigeon. The transition from mossy forests to grasslands showcases a variety of vegetation, adding to the mountain’s natural beauty and ecological significance.

Best Time to Visit Mt. Pulag

Timing your trip to Mt. Pulag can significantly impact your experience. Here’s what you need to know: 

  • Ideal Months: The best time to visit Mt. Pulag is from November to April, which is the dry season. During these months, the weather is more stable, and the skies are clearer, enhancing your chances of witnessing the famous sea of clouds and stunning sunrise views.
  • Avoiding the Rainy Season: The rainy season, which typically spans from June to October, can make trails slippery and challenging, reducing visibility and overall enjoyment. To ensure safer and more pleasant hiking conditions, plan your trip during the dry season. 
Mt. Pulag Sea of Clouds

Image Courtsey : Albert Joldanero Asonio 

Essential Gear in Mt. Pulag

  • Hiking Shoes: Sturdy, comfortable, and waterproof hiking shoes or boots. 
  • Clothing: Layered clothing including thermal wear, a fleece jacket, and a waterproof jacket. Don’t forget warm gloves, a beanie, and thick socks. 
  • Rain Gear: Waterproof pants and jacket to protect against sudden rain. 
  • Lighting: A reliable flashlight or headlamp with extra batteries. 
  • Navigation: A map of the trail and a compass. 

Camping Equipment (if camping) 

  • Tent: Lightweight, waterproof, and durable tent. 
  • Sleeping Bag: Rated for cold weather conditions. 
  • Sleeping Mat: An insulated mat for comfort and warmth. 

Safety and Health 

  • First Aid Kit: Including band-aids, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and any personal medications. 
  • Whistle: For emergency situations. 
  • Sun Protection: Sunscreen, sunglasses, and a wide-brimmed hat. 

Food and Water 

  • Trail Food: Easy-to-carry snacks like trail mix, granola bars, and sandwiches. 
  • Cooking Gear: Portable stove, utensils, and lightweight cookware (if planning to cook). 

Contact tour guide for Mt. Pulag

If you want to climb Mt. Pulag with hassle free, Contact Albert Asonio 

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